Project Type: Custom Residential (Concept)
Location: Richmond, Texas
Project Size: 2,350 sq.ft.
If one could ever describe a home that feels as if it is a part of nature, they would say a modern home with a courtyard. The concept of a courtyard home has been there for millennia. In the past, courtyards offered its inhabitants an extra sense of security and privacy, as well as designated space for raising cattle or crops. Fast-forward to nowadays, since most people spend over 85% of their time indoors, courtyards have become easy means of getting outdoors while in the privacy of one's home. However, in the United States in particular, courtyards have become an issue with various building codes, thus one needs to know how to design it without violating the rules of safety. Nevertheless, we were happy to offer a courtyard in this modern home. Thus, the owners could enjoy the beautifully curated landscape almost from every room in the house. Having a courtyard also positively contributes to bringing the natural light into the space while lowering lighting bills.

Grand courtyard requires grand steps. Thus, polished concrete with metal railing turn the courtyard into an elevated experience though located lower than the main floor of the house. Concrete walls surround the courtyard, thus protecting the inside from excess moisture and pests. Low-growth plants have been chosen to allow for an easy walk-through experience and minimal light obstruction at windows. In the middle of the courtyard a small pond is located that allows for birds to swing by, as well as have your own golden or koi fish. In order to minimize the need for seasonal maintenance all plants and trees chosen are of the perennial type.
The interior of the home is lit with large windows surrounding the courtyard. Bright colors of the kitchen, ceiling and walls only amplify the effect of natural light and minimizing the need for artificial. Polished concrete with scattered throughout rugs make each space comfortable, yet practical. Washing dishes does not need to be boring any more, since your eyes can look down at the pond and greenery of the courtyard. Contrasting wooden cabinets and shelves add to the modern open concept of the interior of this home. Properly sized lighting fixtures add to the overall modern feel.
Nothing beats a large modern wooden dining table that is lit from both sides with large windows so that all the guests can look to the left and the right while eating and conversing. White paint and raw lightly sealed wood blend together offering a warm feeling that one wants to surround himself with. Cabinetry that is built into the wall contribute to the modern simple style of this courtyard home. The goal of this concept home was to make every space a place where one would want to spend time in. Now, instead of debating whether picking a living room or an office for a comfortable read or a glass of a cold drink after a long day, one would have more options to choose from, more spaces to feel at peace at.